High quality professional services through constant innovation and continued investment in new technology

We offer a wide range of services including accountancy, audit, payroll, taxation, consultancy and computerization of accounting systems

Highly specialized tax services, both for business and personal tax in compliance with tax laws


Accounting and Consulting Group Ltd (ACG)

We are an independent firm of chartered certified accountants and business advisors, with a history of focused client service.

  • Our mission is to provide high quality professional services to our clients through constant innovation and continued investment in new technology.
  • Our vision is to become the best medium-sized accounting and consulting firm.
  • ACG provides services in the fields of accountancy, audit, taxation, payroll, consultancy and computerization of accounting systems.
  • ACG is a member of The International Accounting Group (TIAG), the accounting division of TAG Alliances. The latter is a worldwide multidisciplinary alliance offering coverage in more than 110 countries around the world.

About Us


At ACG, together with Comprehensive Financial Services which is our auditing firm, we offer a wide range of services including accountancy, audit, payroll, taxation, consultancy and computerization of accounting systems.

We ensure that each of our clients, irrespective of the size of their undertakings, receive the kind of personalized attention that is usually attributed to only the biggest clients. Our constant innovation and continued investment in new technology helps us to provide our clients with realistic, practical and cost efficient solutions.

Unlike the traditional accounting firms, at ACG, we are not just interested in tallying the books and making returns for our clients. We aim to help each of our clients' businesses to grow. To help them achieve this we offer much more than the traditional services of an accounting firm. We get to know our clients' businesses and personal financial goals so that the advice we give to them will suit their exact needs.

To better serve our clients we ensure that we have a high level of staff expertise. In-house training programs are regularly carried out. Also we ensure that our qualified staffs attend professional development seminars carried out on a regular basis by private bodies. This helps to provide them with a thorough understanding of the latest developments in accounting and auditing, tax legislations, business management techniques and information technologies. Moreover our staffs are equipped with laptops and this enables us to work on clients' premises and move around without this causing a hindrance to our work.

Whatever be the size of the client, our partners always makes it a priority to be involved and available to them. They have a "hands on" approach which forms part of the company's philosophy.


Since our founding in 1999, we have been offering a broad range of services with a unique, personalized approach tailored to meet our individual client's needs. Even though we offer all of the regular and specialized services of the big firms, we still have the personal touch of a small firm.

With emphasis on teamwork, we are dedicated to forming constructive, long term professional relationships with our clients. Our wide range of skills and knowledge and our innovative thinking has helped the firm grow both in reputation and size. We ensure that we deliver more than the client's expectations.

From a modest beginning of only 3 staff members, as at end of April 2019 we have reached a total number of staffs of 25 (including 4 fully qualified staffs) and a client list exceeding 200. We expect the firm to continue its expansion in the future.


TIAG® – A Worldwide Alliance of Independent Accounting Firms

ACG is a member of (TIAG) (The International Accounting Group), a global alliance of independent accounting firms offering a full range of accounting services to clients all over the world.

TIAG members are carefully selected for membership based on professional competence, commitment to client service, reputation within the business community, and recommendations from existing members. TIAG members are highly respected, value-driven accounting firms with local market knowledge and expertise.

TIAG’s sister alliance, TAGLaw®, is an international alliance of independent law firms. Through TIAG’s relationship with TAGLaw, members of TIAG and their clients have international access to a wide range of both accounting and legal services.

Commitment to Quality

To maintain the highest quality, all TIAG firms commit to common objectives and standards, including:

  • Providing excellent, timely and cost-effective accounting services
  • Developing and maintaining strong client relationships and personal service enhanced by the international resources shared among alliance members
  • Communicating clearly with clients on terms of professional engagement and progress of business
  • How can ACG help your business?

    Through TIAG, ACG has the national and global reach to serve clients wherever the growth of their business takes them. Whatever or wherever your challenge or opportunity might be, we can access local and knowledgeable expertise from trusted accounting professionals using TIAG. For more information about how our TIAG relationships can help your business, contact Mohamed Reshad Sadool.

    Disclaimer: TIAG is an international alliance of independent accounting firms, who share common objectives and standards, but are not under common control or management. TIAG itself does not practice accounting. TIAG disclaims any responsibility or liability for acts or omissions of any of its member firms. Member firms in TIAG are not engaged in the joint practice of accountancy, nor is there any legal or partnership relationship between or among the TIAG members by virtue of their membership in TIAG.

    About TAG Alliances: Globally Connected. Locally Respected

    TAGLaw®, TIAG® (The International Accounting Group), and TAG-SP® (Strategic Partners) combine to form an international, multidisciplinary alliance of independent professional service firms known as TAG Alliances®. It comprises of approximately 18,000 professionals in over 290 member firms, and more than 750 offices in over 110 countries.

    For more than 20 years, TAG Alliances members have leveraged the global reach and local expertise of fellow like-minded firms to facilitate the international needs of their clients. As one of the largest and most respected multidisciplinary alliances in the world, TAG Alliances members provide high quality, cost-effective, and value-driven legal, accounting, and other professional services across all industry and commercial sectors.

    Being a member of TAG Alliances enables member firms to confidently refer their clients to top rated and responsive professional service firms. TAG Alliances members are well-respected local experts with a strong understanding of local business practices, laws, and customs and have deep-rooted relationships within their communities. These strengths give TAG Alliances members a true competitive advantage in providing a seamless and personalized experience for their clients’ global needs.


    The firm has a diversified portfolio of clients in a wide variety of business sectors. The following represent some sectors in which these companies work:

    • Information and Communication Technology
    • Professional services
    • Call centre
    • Contracting
    • Restaurants
    • Manufacturing
    • Education
    • Retail trade
    • Freeport

    We also work for companies having Global Business Licence and management companies.Our portfolio also includes companies operating in the region, such as in Madagascar and Comores.


    ACG has a 3 partners - Mohamed Reshad Sadool, Ruqayyah Nuckcheddy and Akbar Ally Tariq Nuzooa .

    Mohamed Reshad Sadool is a qualified professional accountant since 1991 and is also licensed by the Financial Reporting Council to act as auditor. He has extensive experience in accountancy, audit, tax and consulting.

    He started his career in commerce and industry where he worked for 5 years as assistant accountant. He then moved into public practice and worked for Ernst & Young for 10 years. He was an audit manager and was responsible for the audit of various listed companies such as New Mauritius Hotels Ltd, United Basalt Products Ltd and Mauritius Stationery Manufacturers Ltd. He also managed the audit of various offshore funds investing mainly in India and multinational companies having branches or subsidiaries in Mauritius.

    He was appointed as Commissioner of the Competition Commission of Mauritius (CCM) by the Government from 2009 to 2016. During this period, he was involved in various competition cases and attended many international conferences and cases in several countries.

    Ruqayyah Nuckcheddy qualified as a professional accountant in 2006 and is a fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. She joined Accounting & Consulting Group Ltd in 2003. In 2017, she was licensed by the Financial Reporting Council to act as auditor and was thus admitted as a partner.

    Her experience in the firm includes inter alia:

  • Doing audit and taxation work for a wide variety of clients
  • Be responsible for undertaking complex accounting work such as preparation of consolidated financial statements for complex groups operating both locally and internationally. This includes acquisitions, mergers, changes in group structures, etc.
  • Doing audit of entities operating in specialized sectors such as financial institutions regulated by the Bank of Mauritius, venture capital funds, CIS Managers, Investment Dealers and Investment Advisers, etc.
  • Performing various consulting work such as business valuations and feasibility studies.
  • Her work includes also the responsibility for quality control and all technical issues that may arise with respect to the application of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Standards on Auditing (ISA).

    Akbar Ally Tariq Nuzooa is a partner and is responsible for Accounting and Tax matters.

    He joined ACG in January 2000 and qualified as a Chartered Certified Accountant in 2007.

    He is registered as a Professional Accountant with The Mauritius Institute of Professional Accountants (MIPA). Throughout his career he has been working in the accounting department responsible for accounting and tax matters for a wide range of small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

    He regularly provides financial and management advice and deals with the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) and the Assessment Review Committee (ARC) for tax matters relating to a portfolio of clients.

    Mohamed Beelall Sadool is a qualified chartered accountant with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) since 2021. He holds an MBA from Edinburgh Business School, Heriot Watt University. He is a senior audit manager and specialises in conducting audit of large clients.

    Our Services and Partners

    At Accounting and Consulting Group the services we provide for each client are based on their specific needs. In many cases we also provide accounting and business advisory services on a regular basis. These include management accounts, tax planning and other appropriate advice such as costs reduction strategies and negotiation with financial institutions for funds.

    Our professional team can be relied upon to develop the best strategies for achieving the clients’ corporate and personal financial objectives. We have so far effectively lead several businesses in the Information and Communication Technology, professional services, contracting, call centre, restaurants, manufacturing, education, retail trade and Freeport sectors.

    Other different services are also provided by our partners KBA Investment LtdSoftworld Ltd and SoftOnline Solutions Ltd.

    Accounting and Consulting

    Whatever be the size of a company, keeping accurate and well-organized financial records help the business to take more informed and correct decisions. Whether the decisions are to be taken on a daily basis or in long term strategies, meaningful and timely information needs to be available to management.


    Many companies consider that accounting and auditing services are only a pre-requisite for their business; something that would have been avoided if it wasn’t required by legislation. At ACG we view it rather as a chance to delve into the client’s business .

    Tax Services

    At ACG we offer highly specialized tax services, both for business and personal tax. We ensure that you are in compliance with tax laws as well as making use of the various fiscal advantages available.

    Whatever be the size of a company, keeping accurate and well-organized financial records help the business to take more informed and correct decisions. Whether the decisions are to be taken on a daily basis or in long term strategies, meaningful and timely information needs to be available to management.

    At ACG, we recognize the importance of keeping proper financial records. Our firm provides a full range of accounting services including the following:

    • Bookkeeping on a monthly, quarterly or yearly basis.
    • Financial statement preparation including management accounts on a monthly basis.
    • Computerized payroll system. This also includes making the required returns, such as NPS and PAYE, for the client on a monthly basis.
    • Reviewing the financial records and preparing VAT returns on a monthly or quarterly basis.
    • Setting up of accounting systems for newly set up companies or for those who want to restructure their accounting systems.
    • Training of personnel to improve and deliver more meaningful financial information.

    In addition our partner KBA Investment Ltd can also help clients decide on the most appropriate form of legal entity during the start up phase. We also help clients with the documentation required for the incorporation of a business.

    Many companies consider that accounting and auditing services are only a pre-requisite for their business; something that would have been avoided if it wasn’t required by legislation. At ACG we view it rather as a chance to delve into the client’s business and have an inner look at what the figures really mean, while at the same time provide us with the opportunity to bring our vast knowledge of business operations in the company’s environment. This helps us to anticipate problems that the client may face in the future and helps us to advise the client to take the appropriate measures.

    The audit of financial statements is required by the Companies Act 2001 for non exempt companies. At ACG our role as auditors is not limited to only enhance the credibility of the financial statements but to add value to the business of the client.

    We believe that a good auditor will use the audit process as a means of obtaining a detailed understanding of the business. This will include a comprehensive knowledge of the internal control systems of the organization which will be gathered through constant involvement with the key people. As such, we as auditors will be in a better position to contribute to the strategy of the organization.

    Our engagement in your organization begins with gaining a thorough understanding of the business processes. This will include meetings with top management as we consider that they are the persons who can provide us an overall view of how well the business is performing in the market. As an aid to better understanding the performance, we also make available to our clients competitors’ figures.

    The end products of our engagement are the audit report and a report given to management highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the business processes so that management may take the appropriate actions. Our report helps the client to identify problem situations before they even arise and our report also suggest appropriate actions to be taken.

    Our partners are involved in all the stages of the engagement.

    At ACG we offer highly specialized tax services, both for business and personal tax. We ensure that you are in compliance with tax laws a well as making use of the various fiscal advantages available. By keeping up to date with the tax laws and regulations, we are in a position to identify the opportunities that will minimize both current and future tax liabilities.

    Our services include the following, but are not limited to:

    • Providing tax planning advices.
    • Making the required returns on a timely basis to avoid penalty payments.
    • Helping people, working abroad, but liable to Mauritian tax to fill in their tax returns as well as advising them.
    • Assisting companies to obtain tax reliefs and minimize tax payable when buying or selling a business.

    At ACG, our team of professionals has the required expertise and is familiar with the best practices in several business fields. We can help you find optimal solutions for your business, taking into consideration the resources available to your organization.

    Though accounting, auditing and taxation are the main services we offer, we are now expanding our level of specialized services and providing more and more consulting services. We recognize that the increased complexity and high competition level in the business world require more specialized services to be offered than just the traditional accounting and auditing services. We can help you identify the areas affecting the profitability and growth of your business in an adverse way and develop sensible solutions to remedy the situation.

    The following is a non exhaustive list of areas in which we provide our expertise to our clients:

    • Business Planning

      This involves our assistance in the development of business plans, including financial forecasts and projections for businesses in start up phase.

    • Operational analysis

      This will include our involvement in cost control and reduction strategies of your business.

    • Cash flow and budgeting analysis

      A business, even if profitable, can face liquidity problems. We can help these businesses by preparing forecasts to evaluate the company’s financial condition and evaluate the future possible requirements. We can also suggest the sources and uses of the cash flow of the company.

    • Management advisory services

      We can help your company’s management team develop long-term objectives and specific strategies to facilitate your business’ future growth and success.

    • Providing funds

      We also offer financing assistance to our clients to help them look at the options available to them. We also assist our clients to negotiate with financial institutions.

    • Accounting software selection and implementation

      With our broad expertise in the accounting field, we are in a better position to assess the accounting needs of clients and to recommend the appropriate accounting software that will meet the requirements of the clients. In some cases we also assist in the implementation of the software as well as providing training for the staffs concerned.

      Our sister company Softworld Ltd is an authorized Quickbooks reseller in Mauritius.

    • Business valuations

      At some point or the other, a business may need to be valued for various purposes. Our team of professionals can help clients value their businesses using different methods to have, at the end, an objective valuation.

    We also provide Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) services. All domestic companies, with turnover exceeding MUR 50M, have a statutory obligation to file their annual financial statements with the Registrar of Companies in XBRL format.

    ACG has a team specialised in XBRL reporting and they have the necessary expertise to relieve you of this obligation. Our team will provide you with the end product which just needs to be filed with the Registrar of Companies. Through our sister company KBA Investment Ltd, we can also do the filing on your behalf.

    KBA Investment Ltd

    To operate a business, a company needs to comply with its legal and statutory obligations under the Companies Act. Non-compliance may lead to late filing fees, company strike-off and prosecution of directors.

    KBA Investment Ltd was set up in 2004 and provides corporate secretarial services to a wide range of clients.

    Our services include:

    • Incorporation/setting up of new companies
    • Doing search work at the registrar
    • Maintenance of statutory books and registers
    • Preparing and submitting statutory documents, including annual returns
    • Application for business registration certificate
    • Provision of registered office facilities and mail forwarding service
    • Assistance in bank account opening
    • Provision of directorship and company secretarial roles
    • Registration of brands, trademarks and business names
    • Following up and payment of licences including trade licence, company licence, etc.
    • Winding up of companies
    • Registering companies for VAT, NPS, MNS etc
    • Registration/Renewal of registration with the Data Protection Office as Data Controller
    • Application and renewal of permits for expatriates including occupation and residence permit

    Softworld Ltd

    Softworld Ltd provides 2 different services:

    1. Recognised Quickbooks Reseller

    Softworld Ltd is a recognized reseller in Mauritius for Quickbooks Accounting Software. Quickbooks is one of the easiest small & medium business accounting software on the market. The reason is because the user does not need to be an accounting expert as Quickbooks has one of the most friendly user interface.

    Features of Quickbooks include:

    • Using QuickBooks data to prepare a six week view of all your incoming and outgoing cash
    • “What if ?” scenarios show how changes could affect weekly cash flow
    • Save time by automatically creating a budget based on your actual QuickBooks data
    • Easily export reports to Excel, save as PDFs or e-mail reports
    • Multiple company ability

    Our services include:

    • Installation
    • Implementation comprise of transferring opening balances to Quickbooks
    • Training
    • Support services on a yearly basis

    2. Payroll Services

    Softworld Ltd also provides payroll services to a wide range of companies operating in different sectors. Services provided include:

    • Preparation of payrolls
    • Ensuring that changes in legislations are complied with
    • Preparation of monthly returns related to payroll such as NPF and PAYE
    • Preparation of yearly returns to be submitted to the authorities
    • Submission of returns to the respective authorities

    SoftOnline Solutions Ltd

    Soft Online Solutions Ltd provides Mauritian SMEs with user friendly and affordable web based solutions and quality websites.

    For more details click here SoftOnline Solutions Ltd

    Media Corner

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    If you feel you are a good match, please feel free to contact us or upload your CV.

    Welcome to Accounting and Consulting Group Ltd (ACG)

    Contact us

    Call: (230) 211 8814
    Fax : (230) 211 6099
    Monday-Friday (8.30am-4.30pm)

    Email: acg@intnet.mu
    Web: a-c-group.com

    Location: 2nd Floor, 68 d’Entrecasteaux Street,
    Port Louis, MAURITIUS